Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Milkweed Silk

I was poking around down in my milkweed patch today. I found some seed pods that hadn't been totally destroyed by the milkweed bugs. And even some teeny weeny minute microscopic caterpillars that I very much hope are Monarch cats. Time will tell, I hope.

Anyway - I gathered some of the seeds and tried to encourage them to float into weedy places in what used to be flower garden but is increasingly becoming wild and "naturalized." As it is, my milkweed patch comes up in what is grass that we - and by "we" I mean "I" - generally mow. I have to mow around it, of course. 

I find the sight of both the milkweed seeds and the lovely silky bits, to say nothing of the plants themselves and the potential new Monarch Butterflies, quite delightful.

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