Chick Flick

By Flick


Day off from looking after Henry and Archie Yay!... killer session in the Gym in the morning came home full of endorphins and cooked a huge crock of soup and slow cookered the evening supper ... then thought I'll make a huge list of Xmas food shopping ... but I'll just have a l-i-t-t-l-e sno-o-o-ze..
awoke when it was dark, a little sad because Shy had his works do and I knew he was going to get rat-arsed and come home on saturday so I started feeling sorry for myself ... and then a text came thru ... 'My plan is to make one pint of lager last all night and come home after '
Aw! ...and he did ...:)))) 10 past one in the morning a very cold object got into bed next to me ...:)))

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