
Today was a big one and both boys were troopers for making it through. Lincoln didn't handle it brilliantly but we don't blame him for turning into a monster as he hasn't had a nap for 5 days.

We started our day with brunch at Omana beach which is a lovely change of pace from typical Auckland. Then we had some time to kill before our flight so we went to chipmunks to give Lincoln some playtime.

The flight was very challenging. Lincoln was having none of it. He needed sleep and lost all control of his emotions and body. He undid his seatbelt constantly, including during some very rough turbulence right as we'd been handed 3 waters and a coffee (all of which were on daddy's tray because Lincoln can't be trusted and I was feeding Elliott). It put us off traveling again for a while. But daddy and I are going to Auckland on our own in October. It will be so stress free!

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