Naked Ladies

These Naked Lady flowers (also known as Autumn Crocus) look like they are trying to be modest by hiding their nudity with some well-placed wild strawberry leaves:-)  They have since been revealed in all their birthday suit glory, as the strawberries have been pulled out!

An early start, with the plasterers arriving as promised at 8 am and cracking on with the work.  Sanding and undercoat done and just the topcoat to go on now.  That may be done this evening, but probably not, so it will be tomorrow morning.  (Update!!  They have just arrived and will finish the job this evening:-))

A busy day in the garden for TJ and me, as it's good to have a warm dry day to tidy things up.  I enjoyed cutting down lots of overgrown bushes, while he is digging up and moving some plants that have outgrown their position.  I expect I'll be aching tomorrow, whereas he won't even feel a twinge!

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