
By Third_eye

Yesterday . . .

. . . I had a dream
that I was being taken for a ride

in a big shiny yellow vehicle

by a very kind man

who took me to

his place of work

to meet his friends . . . 
who did some rather strange things to me.
(I can't tell you exactly what they did
because you might think I am being rude ). . .

. . . but they've done it before . . .
and have said they will see me again some time soon . . .

. . . and I suspect they'll do the same again . . .

so I'd better believe it!

But that's life, isn't it?

And anything is better than being stuck indoors while
the rest of the world enjoys the sunshine and fresh air . . .

So it was a good day after all.

I even had the opportunity on the journey
to capture these Caméra vérité images

as evidence . . . 

and what could be better than that?

"Think positive and enjoy!""

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