Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Arthur sleeping and possibly dreaming.

I love cats as you all know.
Arthur is a special friend to us.
He is kind, good natured, intelligent and a tom cat with arthritis.
He arrived at a good friend's house in need of a loving home.
I hope in all conscience I have been the kind person he wanted me to be and provide safety, warm heartedness and good quality food Paul buys for him.
Our lives are definitely better because Arthur lives here.
We allow Arthur the freedom he needs and care for him without owning him like an object.
He is a free spirited cat, no collar needed, but he is chipped before he reached us.
I hope he stays here and continues to have a long, safe and happy life.
Tiffany is still missing and our lives are not the same without his dear unique and loving presence.
I keep hoping I will get closure on what happened, but so far, no clues at all.
I deplore all forms of animal experimentation and cruelty.
I stopped eating animal meat many years ago, and never wish to ever go back to my deplorable ignorance.

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