Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Little White........

houses spattered across the landscape.  Today we travelled inland for an hour to visit a friend who has sold her house on a mountaintop and was doing some clearing up before the new owners take possession.  We first came to this house almost 20 years ago and so much has happened since then.  The house has been a holiday home, they live in London and rent it out for the season so it has become a little bit unloved over the years.  It has the most fabulous 360 degree view, almond trees and olives, butterflies and birds of prey overhead but..... it's a mile and a half up a scrubby track with a drop and in bad weather can be treacherous.  Although it has a silence you rarely hear nowadays, I can't imagine spending too long up here.  I prefer to be able to walk to the beach, the train, the park and up to town for coffee myself.  Today was unbelievably hot, 35 degrees and not a breath of air, my clothes stuck to me all day.  Although we've had hotter days on the coast this time (41 degrees) it doesn't seem nearly as bad when you have the sea to hand ;)  Lovely to get the chance to take some pictures and say goodbye to Tierra Rosa.

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