The Col du Seigne

* Back blipped yesterday.
As is the way of the mountain refuges we were up and out early, as the suns light cast shadows into the steep sided valley and lit the distance peaks we climbed upwards - but it was clear we were heading into cloud and a freezing strong wind.
By the Col at 2513m we were wrapped up warm but crystals of frost could be seen glinting on the grass. We passed the border marker with heads bowed and made a sharp turn for the Val Veni, collected a befuddled Scottish couple from the col's cairn and headed down to the Casamerta - only to discover it locked for the day.
By 2200m we were out of the cloud, and the welcome refuge of the Elisabetta Soldini could be seen. Lots of hugs, laughing and of course wonderful Italian coffee with our friend Marta who is in charge this year - then we headed to our stop for the night, the Cabane Combal at 1985m.
On paper this was a straightforward short day, but I'd planned it this way - normally I'm shepherding clients through this stunning valley, but on this trip I wanted us to have time to explore - so we climbed the precarious path up the lateral morraine of the Glacier du Miage, explored the natural wonder of the Jardine du Miage and did a fair bit of simply sitting and staring.

*Extra is the rather fabulous sight of the first rays hitting the Beaufortain mountains.

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