
By Seelye

Soldiers in training

I see the various armed forces in training at ASU.  The rehearsing of marching in unison is always very striking.  My mother used to take us as children to hear the Marine Corp Marching Band in Washington D.C. where my family grew up (just outside in McLean, Virginia).  It was wonderful, those young, handsome men in dress uniform playing fab music.  I remember she took me once to hear the folk singer Joan Baez and how much I loved her.  My sister used to play her a lot too, so she's always been a part of music I love.

See extra photo of a cartoon of Donald Trump, the bully and coward that still is spewing forth about a building a wall between the U.S. and our Mexican  neighbors.  Fortunately for us and the world I don't think he'll be able to get elected...but sad how many followers he has.

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