Lunch date

The forecast was for good weather today and I went out with my nappy bag still packed from yesterday when it was cold. We went to the shops before lunch and Elliott had a poo explosion right through his outfit. I found that my only spare outfit was a super warm one which would have roasted him. I took him into the shops in just a singlet and bought two new tops on the spot (so I had another spare with me still). We also got a birthday present for Lincoln's friend. He is so excited about it I get the feeling he'll tell him what it is before it gets opened.

Then we had lunch with a friend. Lincoln was on his best behaviour which was nice because he's been a terror for the last few days. He had an up and down day but overall it was a pretty good one.

Last night Elliott had his first full night in his own room (be only made 8-12 the night before). He did really well. He slept 8-3.40 then fed for half an hour and went back down til 7.45. Sounds like a good routine to me.... but I don't consider him in a routine yet sadly.

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