Journey to the centre of the world - Strømsfoss

Today I went on a long cycle into Aremark Kommune as it was a gorgeous day, and by accident I cycled to the centre of the world... The rock on the far right of the photograph marks the spot, the following text is copied from the tourist info:
"Where is the centre of the world? According to legend, this question was asked of Odin, who was the most important and wisest of all the old gods. Rather than answer the question, he said: "come back in one year and I will show you where it is". Whereupon Odin took two eagles that could fly faster than the wind and trained and taught them so each could fly just as fast as the other. At the end of the year he said to his servants: "Take these two eagles and put one at the eastern end of the world where the sun rises out of the sea, and take the other to the far west where the sea is in darkness and nothing exists beyond. And then, when I give the signal, they are to be release simultaneously." The servants did as Odin commanded and took the eagles to the furthestmost ends of the world. Then Odin clapped his hands. Lightning flashed, thunder rolled and the two eagles were released. One of the flew directly to the west and the other flew directly to the east. They looked like shooting stars in the sky. Nearer and nearer they approached each other, never wavering from their course. With a tremendous clap of thunder they collided in mid-air and fell to the earth dead. "Where those two eagles lie," said Odin, "is the centre of the world". They felll here in Strømsfoss and this stone marks the place. You are now standing at the centre of the world."
Because this was totally unexpected, and  nice piece of Norwegian legend, I chose to blip it.
After a bite to eat in Strømsfoss, I continued to Aremark, which was hosting the annual Elgfestival - a forest and agriculture festival that about 1500 people were attending. I was merely looking for geocaches and actually walked straight passed the ticket booths and right into the arena! Extra is of Aremark church where there was a geocache.

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