
By ElectricFish

The Times They Are A Changing

After a good morning in Wayland's Forge in which I managed to made an anniversary present for a tenth wedding anniversary party tomorrow night I met up with my travel buddies for a night of food, drink, music and chat.

We like to meet up regularly to shoot the breeze and discuss our next trip.... Life is moving on though and with a number of the group heading for Oz to visit their offspring an October sun trip, a hope of mine, evaporated into the ether.

With one of the group awol, another seemingly bent on downward spiral I see it all falling apart as if in slow motion.

Think I'll probably go home and rethink my future travel plans..... Sad really as it's such a dynamic group that dragged me through my own depression after my wife died and I owe them so much...... just saying

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