A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Ready for my close up

So far Albi's grooming regime has been an annual affair timed to get rid of the swimming pool matted fur clumps and to do a complete and thorough tick check. Given how long it takes and how much it costs I think she isn't a million miles off the rest of us in maintenance fees. On the up side she does come home quite ridiculously silky soft and fluffy.

Quite a big morning for J with a big family game of Hearts sandwiching a decent sized session on the piano. An unsurprisingly difficult afternoon but he got through and rallied this evening. Just in time for raising the glitter ball and the start of Strictly.

Otherwise a rather lovely domestic day...a coffee with Carlos in the sunshine, various local errands achieved and small steps made in start of term organisation.

And breaks to stroke Albi.

Lesley x

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