Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Voucher Spend

Up early today so we could do more of the packing. Went of a holiday haircut as well. Came back and went up town to get a few bits. Trip included a stop at the Royal Mile Whisky shop. We have a £10 voucher from the whisky tasting to spend. Unfortunately we forgot to take it with us but we did manage to blag a couple of free samples. Back home for lunch and to start watching qualifying for the Italian GP. Took Kilda for a walk at Cammo before stopping off at The Drink Monger shop to spend the voucher. Here are the new additions. One whisky and the rum I like but no one else does. Watched the rest of the qualifying with fish and chips before taking Kilda for a walk. Early to bed tonight as we have to be in Berwick-upon-Tweed in the morning to be godparents.

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