Local Windmill 'Tireless', Raamsdonksveer, NBr

Finished my own Block 1 planning a little past midnight.  I'm the kind who would have lost a bit of motivation if the job hadn't been finished.  The planning included having to make a few exercises which I had included in the planning because the old ones had been destroyed in the old USB, which hubby has kindly reformatted but which I no longer intend to use.  It'll be in my pen bag as a spare.  More exercises need to be made but I can do those next week.

This afternoon, hubby attended the opening of the new tournament season of the local bridge club and didn't get back till about 22.30.  He's had a fine day.  While he was out, in between the planning, I thought I'd go windmill-hunting and drove out to Raamsdonksveer.  There were some blue patches in the sky and that was enough.  Then filled up the tank and picked up a couple of staples at the supermarket, then back to work.  I am frankly amazed at the clarity of my thoughts these days; my head is back to multi-tasking ... but now I am aware of the dangers and stop once in a while.  Right now, though, I'm off to slumberland.

Rain predicted for tomorrow.  Attending a baby shower in the afternoon as a colleague gave birth to a daughter middle of last month.  That will be a welcome break, I think.

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