
By Fisherking


Rough morning after a rough night.

Did some more reading into MS........seems that one of the complications is that the brain lesions cause the immune system to attack nerves and stop them working correctly for a period of of the effects of this is digestive disruption........this would explain why I feel queasy/nauseous/headachy every weekend. I had four good days this week......and I ate lasagne and Chinese and cheese burgers....... and then from 7.00 last night it all went downhill............and that has lasted most of all I've eaten today is cereal and toast.......and now I feel better.
I need to be careful about what I eat during the week to avoid crappy weekends.

Another inept England display this afternoon...........I watched it.....but I think I enjoyed watching Hannah kick this yellow ball around the garden more.

Lets see what tomorrow is like.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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