That's me!!

These photos are not in great condition as they have been in the sun.  The thumbnail little photos were taken when I was a little older than little Missy?  bottom left that's me with the Christmas tree about the time I met Ro and he is on three photos in an 'L' shape near the right.  one with a daisy chain I had just made him!!
The gorgeous little girl with the hair bow was my mother when she was little.  The baby, sitting amid the grasses, was me.  Just above our eldest daughter.  In the separate frame one of our grandchildren.  the first communicant is one of our daughters and she is wearing the dress, I and my mother before me, wore for ours!  (so did our other daughter and our eldest granddaughter!)
Must go as I have a case to pack!  Tomorrow France!! :-)

This is my contribution to Mono Monday - memorable hosted by Ingeborg.  Many thanks for a fascinating challenge!

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