A quiet road

This is our favourite road – just above Caldbeck. We have walked along it and driven along it many, many times over the years. It is such a quiet road, you might meet an odd vehicle or person, or more likely a few sheep, and that’s usually it.

Today, for an hour or so, it was not quiet!
I really don’t think I am into this ‘Tour’ mania. I don’t quite see the point in standing around waiting, so that eventually you might see some cyclists flash past in a few seconds. You have no idea who is who and certainly no idea who is ‘winning’. So, when Gordon said he was going to watch the ‘Tour’ as it went through Cumbria, I thought about the hanging around in crowds for hours on end and was happy for him to go alone.
Then he said they were going along our favourite road and that’s where he was going to watch. I decided to go and it was actually rather good. I still don’t really see the point of it all, but to be so close to the ‘theatre’ of it was quite an experience. The sheer number of support vehicles, these guys who had been waiting to hand out supplies to the riders, the film crews, the police vehicles . . 

And the standing around in these surroundings was a pleasure, especially as the sun came out at just the right time.
I have blipped this picture, as I think it captures the ‘theatre’ of it all, but I have added in extras a more traditional close up of some of the riders and also the film crews – what amazing people they are.
And then it was all over, everyone left, and the sheep had it to themselves again.

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