
By IainCloke

Fragile hope - out of place

What started as an emergency blip on my way out of work has led to much procrastination about the title to give it. Surely not I hear my friends cry sarcastically!
Vibrant pink and rampant green life bearing ecosystems do initially somehow feel out of place on this marginal desolate place symbol of much local neglect, decline and the thwarting of future life.
But my faith says otherwise and the natural forces around us contradict this pessimism. What better place than in the margins where life is sparse should seeds find root and hope emerge hard won? What better place than in the darkness, despair and loss to catch a glimpse of light flickering?
In the pit of my own struggle with loss, I cry out often with stinging tears a lament for my aloneness, for my own thwarted future, tortured it seems by the love I continue to feel but has no purpose.
What better place than the pit to know in a new way the care of friends, colleagues and family, to share some of the hard feelings but feel too the embrace of new bonds of community.
Fragile hope - out of place still, finding it hard to stay grounded. But hope nevertheless.
Thanks to the friend who reminded me of a song by Martyn Joseph last week
"I woke shaking and thinking
About love that’s in the world
And if there is no bigger picture
How it’s all obscene, absurd"


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