The Last Car Boot

We're busy for the next few weekends so today was my last chance to do a car boot sale and get rid of all the things I'm not taking to our new house. 
I seem to have a bit of a mental block about writing about our house sale/purchase so here's an update: The house in Bicester is sold (and already looking great! We had so much difficulty and stress about the issues with the listed status and the render falling off the front and the new owners have just taken it all off and back to the original stone. It looks amazing and perhaps if we'd just done that we wouldn't have had to give it away so cheaply. Best not dwell on it though, that way madness lies!!!)
The mortgage survey was done on our new house the other day and we got the mortgage offer. We got all the paperwork to sign this morning and will be dropping it into the solicitors on Monday. Exciting!!
So, despite not feeling in the least like doing the car boot, last night I forced myself - and Mr K! - to load all the boxes into the car. 
And off I set at the crack of dawn!
It was pretty grotty weather and it was quite slow but I sold a fair bit  including Miss E's first bike (sob!) and the enormous plastic changing table the tenants left in our house in Bicester!
Everything that didn't sell was bundled up into carrier bags and I went to the British Heart Foundation shop in Buckingham. The woman puffed herself up and sneered across the shop at me that they weren't accepting donations; they were full to overflowing. (Could I please f**k off and not darken her door with my car boot tat again)
I was so cross! It was a bag full of children's clothes, shoes and books. All in good condition. Hmmppphhhh!!! I won't be taking stuff there again. Silly cow.
I took the bag next door to the Mind shop instead (they were much nicer and more polite!) and I'll take the rest to Oxfam in the week.
After a lazy few hours eating lunch and playing Uno we headed over to the cinema in Bicester to watch Swallows and Amazons. 
Spies, Pirates, adventures, tents, tree climbing and camps...... The Little Misses loved it!!
Even better, we bumped into Miss A and Miss J in the foyer so they all sat together. When Miss E got a bit scared - at the merest hint of any mild threat! - Miss A cuddled her and stroked her hair and told her it was all going to be OK. So sweet!!

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