La vida de Annie

By Annie

Incendio forestal

Normally the sky would be a bright blue at sunrise and the village bathed in golden light. Not today however, it is dark, murky and filled with choking smoke. In the early hours a forest fire took hold on the other side of the cala, and the very strong Tramontana wind carried it for miles. I smelled the smoke at 3am but after checking that it didn't originate in the apartment, there was nothing much to do as it was so dark outside. When the sun came up I looked out again and saw the thick smoke everywhere. The Guardia, Bomberos and major incident teams were everywhere, telling everyone to evacuate their properties NOW! Grabbed the dogs and cameras and drove out of the village just as the helicopter arrived to drop seawater on the site. The only access road is sealed off to stop people returning (see extra), and the local radio station issued a bulletin that a forest fire had caused 600 to be evacuated from Cala Moli, Addaia, Macaret and Arenal. Took the dogs to Fornells to get some clean air in their lungs, where they had a wonderful time running in the wind and sea spray, an unusually fun early walk. Now I'm sitting in the shop wondering when it will be clear to go home, and also worrying about the effects of the smoke on the birds I had to leave behind. Will post an update later.

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