
By PaulaJ


So I've managed 100 days of blipping - amazing! Never would I have believed when I started that I could keep it up. However, I know now that it is not the process of posting a blip a day that has kept me going, as much as the contact with other blippers.

I love this place, this environment, this community. Everyone is so positive, so supportive, so . . . well . . . nice. 'Be excellent to each other' is the value that holds it all together and makes it very special. (I am also very impressed with the fact that most people pay for registration, so keeping the site advert-free. I value this immensely, as I hate being bombarded by adverts.)

I feel as though in these few months I have made friends; friends all round the world. People who are happy to share a glimpse of their life and themselves and make time in their day to share a glimpse of mine. I value each one of you highly and hope that the communication will continue into the future.

The buttons are yet another of my collections. The collection started with buttons that my grandmother kept in a tin and I was allowed to play with when we visited. My mother added substantially to the collection, as she was a skilled dressmaker. Then I inherited the collection and it has just kept growing, not sure how. So buttons of every vintage.

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