
By Beewriter

Mad Day

What a flippin' mixed up day! The pipe leading to the air brakes was damaged on the lorry so we couldn't go out for the afternoon session. We were deployed to apheresis and we weren't sure if we were there all day or if the lorry could be repaired. I'm glad I don't work full time in apheresis, I prefer being mad busy on a mobile team, so I was pleased when we were told the lorry was good to go after an hour or so. 

I drove the mini bus and we trekked off to Colne for the evening session. It was busy, we finished late and then there was a diversion on the way home....I was very pleased to see these 'faces' as I opened my front door when I arrived home. ( They are some of the masks I have hung on my wall)

I was very surprised that so many people called me mad....or a nutter, or crazy or bonkers.....yesterday!!! Is it not normal to write on your face with black lipstick?? lol

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