2.5 Somersaults Pike, 2 Twists:3.4 Difficulty

Off to the 'lympic park today, along with a few tens of thousands other folk.

Great day wandering about, checking out all the venues, listening to the whoops and cheers from within as we passed them. The whole park is impressive, and all the games makers are friendly/helpful/comedically-sarcastic. As the games maker with the megaphone greeting our arrival commented - we were lucky to have tickets to be here. After multiple rounds of disappointment in the ticketing process, he was not wrong.

First stop of the day - 3m Springboard Preliminary, Mens. Not something I know a whole lot about (surprising, I know), but after 30 divers had 6 dives each I think we were getting the hang of it.

Must dash, got to catch some basketball before the night is out. It's going to be a late one tonight.

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