
By DawnMH

80s night

I shouldn't even have contemplated going out on a Tuesday night.
But I missed the last one, so felt obliged to head off to Gourmand Night in my Frankie Says Relax t-shirt and back-combed hair!

My friend Rachel (who you can just make out behind the Mateus bottle!) created the group as an hommage to her late mother's group started some 40 years ago! The group became her best friends and kept her going through years of sickness.

Themes are picked out of the hat for the upcoming year/meets and each member hosts one evening per year. (9 members, 2 months off for summer, 1 meal in a restaurant over Xmas).

Tonight's was 80s down to the music, clothes, and food. Yes we had vol-au-vents, prawn cocktails, cheese and pineapple hedgehog and coq au vin for the meat eaters - carrot au vin for me! ;)

Next month's is 'everything green.'
I'd have loved that one.

Instead I have a picked the letter D!
So Denmark is a likely theme...watch this space ;)

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