Jones Journal

By MeeshJ

Pot noodle.

Just me and my boys today, one human, one furry. Persuaded my son to walk to town and carry a few bulky things home. He only walked about 10ft ahead rather than his usual 20 or 30. Very uncool to be seen with your mum. Could he choose lunch to compensate for losing valuable Xbox gaming time? OK, so we had .......pot noodles. I don't think I've had one for years. Could he eat some fruit to compensate for the pot noodle? Could he have chocolate after to compensate for the goodness of the fruit? And so it goes on and on.
Eddie was busy sniffing the air as we sat in the garden eating, the boy flicking his noodles on himself and the table. Just got the camera as Eddie got on the bench to clean the table, thanks Ed. Happy boy, Happy dog :-)

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