a'la Warhol

Today has been an upsetting one, and has made me focus on Blaze more than usual so my blip is about him.  And I've been off work so have had the time to play around with photos.

I found out today that the man who killed Blaze had been released from prison back in June.  I was supposed to have had the opportunity to submit on his parole hearing and should have been advised when he was released.

The reality is that I wouldn't have submitted anything.  There is no gain in fighting to keep him in prison longer.  It wouldn't bring Blaze back and it wouldn't help anyone.  But the fact that he has been released and I didn't know about it has affected me deeply.  Maybe it would have affected me just as deeply if I had known.  I have no way of knowing the answer to that.

But I do know that I've been a mess today.  It's been one of those days when I miss Blaze even more viciously. 

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