Black and White World

We both went to a black and white workshop in the beautiful city of Bath, run by EOS. I thought it might be a bit technical, but not at all, it was very informative and there are some superb sights and buildings which make excellent subjects for mono shots.
We took all the photos in mono , so we could see what we were doing and how it would look straightaway without converting them later and wishing you had done something different.
The tutor Nina Bailey, was excellent and gave advice on colour filters etc. So these were straight from camera and were taken with a polarising filter and the red filter applied, to make the sky more dramatic.
We hadn't realised before we got to Bath that the Tour of Britain cycle race stage ended there today, but unfortunately it was in a different part of the city and we didn't see anything of it, except a car bearing Sir Brad's bikes heading towards the M4 afterwards.

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