
Mum has a rule that says "Don't walk through the cattle meadows unless you know for a fact that said cattle are not anywhere close to the path". We WERE going to walk through the sheep meadows, but she got tired and this way is shorter.... So we went through there anyway.

We looked and looked, but no animals were to be seen. I was happy and jumped on my rocks. There are so many rocks along this path! We were nearly there, thinking we had somehow escaped them, when we saw the gate. And right on the path, blocking the way - this guy.

Mum said OK, let's keep a cool head. My head was cool already, so I guess she said it to herself. She said I'll pick you up (to me), and we'll walk slowly around it, giving it a wide berth. Hopefully without attracting too much attention from the others, who were grazing a bit further away. I said OK! So that's what we did.

It didn't even look at us when we walked past! We met a standard poodle who went the same way we had just come on his four paws. Maybe they are used to people and dogs this late in the season. Mum says you never know with cattle, and also let's not do this again any time soon.

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