A Tale of Dragon Tail

Let me tell you a tale about dragon tail. A feeling in my gut...to get a dragons butt. A picture near...of a dragons rear. A shot stream-lined...of a dragons behind. OK...that's enough!!!

After watching some equestrian events this morning...I set off in search of horses. My plan was to scale the fence...run down a horse...train for 5 minutes...set up the self-timer...then jump over the fence that I scaled. Rider and animal in perfect synch. A thing of beauty.

After just a little thought...I decided to go shoot some dragonflies.

I just know this is a she. If it was a male...it would be a little disgusting. A "Get your rear out of my face!" kind of moment. As it was...she looks a little coy...a little "come hither." I apologize for any sexism that is showing through.

This little babe wouldn't turn around...but on my flickr page...I posted a green one that did turn for me.

You know you're in a rut...when you post a dragons butt. I almost shed a tear...when I shot a dragons rear. I should be more re-fined...than to shoot a dragons behind. Over and out...THE END.

Click it into LARGE to see the wiggle.

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