
By loisbiz

Orange Rose

Another day sitting in waiting rooms and getting new RXs. Hubby has a 95% blocked carotid artery. Vascular Surgeon's  office said they were booking out 2 weeks....eek!!! But they called back and said they had a cancellation if we could get over right away for an ultrasound of the artery. I was fascinated watching the screen as she mapped out the obstruction for the doctor's inspection.  Then we went to his primary care doctor to hear the results of the all the additional tests taken in Emergency yesterday. It showed that he had had a small stroke sometime. So...because of the problems he has had lately....the doctor said he cannot drive until he has the surgery. The surgeon can't even see him till next Wednesday and who knows when he will be available to actually do the surgery!  So, I will be chauffeuring him around for awhile......he is NOT happy about that.....and to tell you the truth it will not be that easy for me either.  :-)) Happy to have found this problem before the artery was completely blocked, we feel it was fortunate that we went to Emergency. 
Thanks for visiting and listening again to our issues. I know all will be well, so I feel serenity and peace. (Hubby not so much.) 

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