tea towels are here...

How quickly things can change.  The past two days have been difficult and so this morning, with no sign of arrhythmia, a trip to the paper shop in the early morning rain is not unpleasant.

As I sit and read, I can hear Anniemay in the kitchen.  Whatever she’s doing is serious and demands all her concentration; the radio is silent.  Eventually a mix of curiosity, guilt and the need to refill my coffee cup brings us face to face.

She takes my hand; “can I walk you through the changes?”  I submit and follow.  I marvel at the separate shelves for pasta and pulses (inc., rice various) - oh and the glasses now have a space to call their own.

There’s more and we pass into the utility room.  She opens a cupboard; “tea towels are here, but that won’t affect you”.

I blame the rain.  She should have been out on her bike, but being a fair-weather cyclist, swaps lycra for a chance to reorganise the kitchen. 

We go into the garage.  This is were is does get serious and will affect me.  Spice jars compete for space with my bike tools.  I know what’s coming next; “if we had a proper spice rack in the kitchen ….”  Butter wouldn’t melt.

So this afternoon, we’ll brave the crowds and the damp and head to the city centre to look at spice racks.  And  other things, in all probability.  Rain makes work for idle legs.

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