Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Wee Break

I got lots done today, including a walk around town on one of the best days we've had this "summer". This fellow customer at Caffe Nero was miles away enjoying her smoke. Much nicer in LARGE by the way.

These two were soaking up some sun against the side of a statue in the ground of Belfast's City Hall: Recharging (a close runner up for today's Blip)

Three Spanish students discussing something very important, no doubt. As my Spanish is limited to "May I have a beer, please?", despite a Spanish O-Level, I've no idea what they were talking about. Perhaps it was the Olympics or the cow sculptures?: Hanging With The Herd

I also met my brother for lunch where this lady was engrossed in what looked like an important call, or was it something along the lines of "What *type* of olives? They've loads here!", as she was standing outside Sawyers, Belfast's top deli: Important Call

Early start for me tomorrow - 05:20! Off to bed...

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