Titley Times

By racheltitley

Bridge of Padlocks

or Bridge of love or Pont des Arts to give it its real name.

A lovely idea - take a padlock, add you & your partners name (magic marker or engraved - dependant on how spontaneously the moment grabs you), lock it to the bridge and then throw the key into the Seine - your love is locked for ever xxxx

And the best thing was there was no padlock stall to be seen (well not for at least a good 10-15 minute walk) so it didn't feel contrived or touristy in anyway, just lovely.

I should really have had a Tour de France blip, as we did manage to see a couple of Wiggins winning passes through Paris, but it would seem that moving things are another must learn how to do it photo challenge (I know he's in the pack somewhere, thanks to the yellow jersey)

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