Evening Scene

Wednesday, Sugar had a good day at school, while I ran around like a crazy fool at work.  I went from meeting, to email, to training, to email, to training....to email. Then nearly running out of the building to get Sugar from a friend's house in time to make it to the library so I could pick up books for my mom.  We went to the grocery store for a few items, fueled up and head to the farm.  We arrive to find the house empty, but one look out the window and we found where my parents were....feeding the cows.  We waited.  They also found that a calf was not doing well, so they were back at the house just long enough to get some calf formula and a bottle.  We stayed back at the house, and snuggled.  

Soon, my parents were back, and we chit chatted the evening away.  We googled directions to the Specialist Sugar would be seeing the next day in a nearby town.  We got confused so I called one of my cousin's wives who works on the same hospital campus. She helped me out.  Very grateful for that.  Knowing that finding the place wouldn't be added stress was a relief.  

We got to bed somewhat late...but my mind was going and going....so sleep didn't come easy.  Looking forward to some answers.

PS. Back blipping.  Don't forget to look a few post back to see our most adorable baby bunnies.

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