If It's Not One Thing...It's Another

This large Red-shouldered Hawk flew into our sliding glass door this morning and knocked herself silly! I don't know if she was chasing another bird or just got confused with the reflection in the glass but she sure got my attention and woke up both the dogs. She shook her feathers and flew off to the Winged-elm above the pond, the same limb that the owls were on yesterday. I watched her for a while to make sure she was ok, not that I would have been able to do much for her if she hadn't been but...She's apparently fine and hopefully a bit wiser as far as glass doors are concerned. We've stuck all manner of decals and things to warn birds away from the glass on the doors but accidents sadly still happen. Not often, but still too often. Usually the bird survives and flies off under it's own power in a minute or two. I haven't seen the Owl Pair today, but I'm happy to report that all our pond fish are accounted for! And the frogs too! :) I'm off to eat some Mexi Food for lunch. My senses of taste and smell have finally returned, well...almost. :)
Wishing you all a Very Peaceful Week!

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