
By Lot

A new favorite soup!

This is a carrot-apple-ginger soup, and it tastes very good! Here is the link to the original recipe.

I know I have not posted much on Blip this past week. It's because I have been very busy. Gor some reason I suddenly have a lot of work, and I also need to arrange lots of other stuff. I actually planned to give myself the day off tomorrow to take care of all those things, but two of my employers (I work on small projects for two publishers) have sent me new work this afternoon. And I should also be studying German, but I really don't know when. Ah well, I'm sure will find the time for everyting somehow :)

In the meantime, I have also started a Krav Maga course today. It's fun! Apparently, I am not as bad at hitting and/or kicking people as everyone thought...

And of course I am still trying to cook and post things on Blip! I am really happy that I found anoter recipe that's worth sharing here.

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