This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today I got up early but I never really slept. I think I had 3 hours of sleep for the night... but that never stops me...

I straightened up the house (again) and at 10am a patron came by and paid me for an old painting I sold the other night on the internet... of course the money is a useful thing. I am very grateful.

It was the lovely Jennifer's birthday today so even though we are apart, I texted, facebooked, and phoned her and then later we skyped and I suspect we will skype again. She has just started a self portrait series on here (can you imagine... and it inspired me to do one today too!) Shocking I know.

I thought a lot about things, good and bad and chatted with Stewart a few times and we got my sales all recorded and up to date to see how my sales have been this year... Again, I will say that I hope the commission comes through or that grant I applied for. Sometimes I don't feel like I can work much harder than I do but I am sure I can.

I broke a mirror today and then I thought about all the people that seem to lack empathy and compassion in this world. Oh and we had a storm for an hour! I almost felt human... tonight I hope to sleep.


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