Massey Museum, Tarbes

This morning the temperature was 27 degrees and the cloud level low so we decided to visit the caves in the next village.  What an amazing experience that was!  We walked thought huge chambers of stalagmites and stalactites that grow at the rate of 1-2cm per 100 years before taking the boat along the underground river.  No photography allowed, unfortunately.  (The seats in the boat were too low - ouch! - but we managed!)  A very kind Belgian couple helped with translation of the guided visit.  After lunch at the caravan we went to Tarbes to see the wonderful gardens, animals, and birds around the Massey Museum.   
I'm a couple of amazing days behind with our journal   Gavarnie tomorrow and Pont d'Espagne on Sunday as the temperature rises.  No time to do more tonight (Sunday) but will try to catch up soon!

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