Learning day by day

By EmmaF


I was told his tooth was wobbly yesterday evening, it wasn't very wobbly at all. This afternoon it fell out! How quick was that! Hope the tooth fairy remembers to come.

We all had a lie in, then it was a rush to church. After lunch bedrooms were sorted and books culled (not really, very few left the shelves and most of those that did are for passing on or to be stored in the loft as they mean too much to get rid of).

Then we all attacked the garden and did a good job of getting it ready for winter. Cornettos were the reward. Will then watched some of the Paralympics, C and I had long, hot bubbly baths and a good read and Jim rested.

All in all a good day. I also managed to sort party bags, start Christmas shopping in earnest and start my next crocheting project.

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