Cancer talk

I had lunch with two of my closest work colleagues and a joy it was to see them. Discussion seemed to centre on cancer with one of their mum's with terminal lung cancer, my other colleague having lost her sister some years ago, my own struggles, and recent knowledge of a friend of my daughter's whose young daughter just 4 diagnosed with leukaemia. I also have an adult friend fighting the same cancer.

It is remarkable how frequent cancer appears in our varied lifestyles and conversations. It carries less of the fear associated with the Big C in the past but is clearly Very prevalent. I think to be able to share experiences, offer encouragement and support is so important, demystifying the realities whilst recognising the sometimes inevitable end of life outcomes.

The hopes associated with some cancers are not yet replicated by all of them, some diagnosed too late for effective intervention. Research is expensive and slow and yet in the last five years medicines have been approved which hopefully will extend my life a bit. It is always worth talking about this, making sense of it, and seeking never to be overcome by the negativism and depression that can grip people when they are diagnosed. I never pretend this is easy but it does make a positive difference.

So now back home and packing for my trip to Brussels. The wildflower display has been done by the council on a patch of land in the village. It's in full flower now so offer two pictures of them. Pretty and colourful I think.

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