The big day....

..... arrived today. Today her Bb clarinet came home. Today she began the process of transitioning on to it. Today she discovered that the beautiful clarinet her teacher has been using to try her for size in the past, is in fact hers. She was a happy little girl, to say the least. 

She had a clarinet lesson first thing and was so delighted to see B. She played her Eb for the lesson and will continue to do so for some of the time whilst she settles in with her big one. She's worked so hard on her clarinet the past few weeks and is being rewarded for the efforts. B said she's tackling pieces now that are Grade 2 and 3. The little girl who didn't own a clarinet 9 months ago. 

She scooted to school, where she was excited for the first time back at school dance class (she loved it, of course). She told me she got a marble today for some writing she did about a shield she designed. "We had to draw what we love and I did Monkey, ballet, piano and me swimming then today I wrote about how special my Monkey is and that's what I got a marble for. For Monkey". 

After school it was back to B's as she had begged to have her piano lesson tonight too. Because we were going back, B also gave her another clarinet lesson to learn how to unpack & pack her new clarinet. Then it came home with us. Such an excited little poppet. As soon as we got home, she unpacked it again and played straight away. Happy little Katie. 

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