
By CharlotteJ

Feel the burn!

Mills here....

So last night was a bit rubbish! Tess, my rather annoying co mate decided not to show up after doors closing! Tess and I but less Tess than me because I'm deaf have garden privileges. Our garden is completely enclosed and we don't venture to front of the's the rules and we accept that. We enjoy garden time and are left within reasonable eye contact of Chris and Charlotte to sun bathe, run, sniff and just be lazy cats. Tess went for wee wees as is normal at 10pm and is normally home by 11pm after her good sniff and territory marking.
At 12pm Chris was concerned
At 1:30am Charlotte was concerned!

They both walked the village in case Tess was, well, hurt on the road.

At 2am the road was Tess clear so both decided to get some rest.

At 3am Charlotte checked the garden again.....Chris was snoring

No joy on the whereabouts of my co mate.

At 6:30 Charlotte woke with a jolt....went downstairs and Tess was waiting on the patio.

Hurrah, but, but, oh the worry

In other news Charlotte had her first ballet lesson today.... Don't laugh, she's trying....and it's to help relaxation apparently......

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