
By Beewriter

It Ain't Half Hot, Mum

Oh my what a hot and sticky day it has been, I couldn't wait to get my uniform off and jump in the shower tonight. I was wilting by this evening. I thought the amazing (I shall not use the e word again today!) storm last night would have cleared the air, but it was hotter still today. 

I felt old today (it happens far too frequently nowadays) when I said that one of my younger colleagues looked like a punkawallah when he wafted a donor who was feeling a bit woozy. When he didn't know what I meant I was about to say, well you remember It Ain't Half Hot, Mum....but he wasn't even a twinkle in his mother's eyes then....sigh...I gave up and limped my old bones off across the room. 

This is one of Percy's feathers as I took no pics today and now I'm just going to close my old woman eyes as I need every second of my beauty sleep :(

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