horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


6am the alarm went off. After ten days of relying on the church bells it was something of a shock to the system.

To Calais in plenty of time, finding once more that the Daily Wail coverage is somewhat forced (if you go looking for something, in the dead of night, stopping where you shouldn't, following other vehicles too closely, you will find something - plus all of the 'migrants have been blocking the road' is not only scaremongering, but towards the wrong people, as it's the traffickers, taking advantage of the 'refugees' (I hate the continued use of 'migrants') that are setting any barricades).

There are no queues. No sign of any barricades. No detritus left on the roads. Lots of police (who presumably don't disappear overnight). A couple of army guys. Two passport checks. A quick prod in the boot. And we're early enough to get onto the earlier ferry. I just don't know how the Daily Wail continues to get away with it. If I was in charge etc etc etc.

A few stops on the way north, home a little after 11pm. 

Shattered and a little spaced.

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