Bat Walk

Truly amazed by the Bat Walk experience at the Castle this evening as my friend Jackie and I joined Castle staff and BBC Radio Kent's roving reporter Joe in an introduction to the fascinating world of bats.

As night fell over the Castle estate, Wildlife Assistant Rhianna handed out bat detection monitors and explained the different frequencies depending on the species. Meanwhile Wildlife Warden James showed us an identity card and pointed out the bats as they flew over our heads.

Within a few minutes the monitors were clicking away and in the clearing on the golf course basking in the moonlight we saw pipistrelles, noctules and daubentons darting past us.

Observing bats flying low level over the tranquil moat and through the Castle arches was a breathtaking close to the evening. We spotted our reflections on the 13th century defence wall and I thought it would make the perfect Blip!

Here's a teaser audio clip from the Bat Walk. BBC Radio Kent coverage coming soon...

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