Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

My Considerate Son

Said son, T, is recuperating from surgery, and C and I are staying with him for few days. The guest bedroom is on a different floor from his, so to ensure that we hear him if he needs assistance during the night, we 're camping in the living room. C is sleeping on the sofa, while I have an airbed on the floor.

T didn't want me to be bored in those interludes between waiting on him hand and foot, so he allowed me to install a screen door he'd bought at Costco a year ago. Dead easy if you believed the instructions and the video -- only three tools needed, and one of them is a tape measure.

You can see where this is heading! It took me all day, and I needed several more tools and some ingenuity. I also found it necessary to use some colorful language. This was one of the most frustrating projects I've had in a long time, but it ended well enough to please my client!

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