Woke at 5am and thought it looked like there was going to be a nice sunrise, so up and out at 6.15am, but unfortunately the only thing shinning was the moon. Thought it looked lovely over the rooftops. No sunrise but I had a lovely walk and all the birds were singing. Home and breakfast then off to do the weekly shopping, after I got it all put away it was such a nice day that I put the dogs in the car and took them to the loch for a swim. I was going to do gardening this afternoon, but a friend who is now disabled rang and asked if I would take her to the garden centre as she was feeling very unsteady and did not want to drive, so I picked her up and we had a nice cup of tea and a scone there. Just dropped her off home and have put my meal in the oven. Phew that was a busy day. Hope you like the moon.
My lovely sunset is still sitting on page 2 of popular -thank you so mucy.
The extra is a little visitor who fancies my birds for dinner.

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