Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


A pretty crap day.
Woke far too early. Hung about the flat then went for the weekly shop.
A bit of lunch in Café Nero then I went along to Steven and Kelly's as I couldn't think what to do.
They had mentioned clearing the garage over the weekend , so I thought I would offer to take Lewis out for a bit. After his sleep we got all ready to head round to the field with a ball on their estate. The he changed his mind and started to cry, hysterically. He didn't want to leave Mum and Dad.
I was told to just take him. It didn't work, he wouldn't even look at the ball and kept running towards home. He even told me to go home! 'Aya home'.
Took him back and I headed home as I was clearly upsetting him being there.

Me and my over thinking has got me thinking all things and it's not making me feel good about myself.
I have tried to distract myself but nothing worked ( I even cleaned my windows where I found this spider web) so I self harmed and am now having a few drinks staring at the tv.
(the extra is how unhappy he was)

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