
Cloudy, showery autumnal day... Yes about sums it up!

The boy had a pal over for sleepover so they had a lovely day playing. I got lots of bramleys wrapped up for storage and Grandma peeled and sliced lots which I cooked and got ready to freeze for a quick crumble or pie. Made a crumble for today with them and berries we picked, nice almond crumble top.

I took Grandma shopping this afternoon, taking someone with dementia is a challenge but when it's Lewy Body Dementia it can be a challenge or funny or both especially as it quickly can change from normal to not. Got to the fish counter and she kept picking up fish to look at them, when I said don't touch them, she said oh I know you can't touch them I wouldn't! No recollection of having just done so embarrassing but the fish monger was fine!
Was an amusing and somewhat stressful shop!

Got home and had a chat with my friend who came to pick up her boy, then made his tea before taking Grandma home and getting her ready for bed.

Nice evening with the little chap, we made decorated gingerbread pumpkins.

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